Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Business Process Outsourcing

The outsourcing is finalizes it tendency of the world of today of the business, the outside that went its own organization to obtain itself especializóservicios of several classes. This process ties the crecimientonegocios to a range of services advanced and resources. What signifies that now you can contract out of its business for the services that you would be able to do less with efficacy internally. The examples are accounting, technology of information, human resources and Telemarketing. The outsourcing represents a new way to compete that can give to a business competitive advantages if is seen like strategy of legitimate business.

The outsourcing is the transfer or the delegation to a supplier of external service the operation and the routine management of a business processes. The client receives a service that carry out a different function from the business that fit in the operations of total business of the client.

The BPO is a new concept to distribute the works of the business. It is a matter of outsourcing services or functions that do not correspond to the essence of the business. The reasons to hire an outsourcing vary according to the type of business, as well as the types of outsourcing existing. INFOWEEK visited to some of the suppliers of outsourcing data processing in Chile, to arrive at a description of the current state of this activity in the country.


Outsourcing Traditional: The employees of a business to stop carrying out the same works to the business. Something, the tasks are identified that need to be carried out, and to the supplier of service they employ the employees normally. For example, an outsourcing of the technology of information can include a transfer of the responsibility of the management data processing centers and the networks (of LAN, of WAN, and of telecommunications). In the country of the management of installations, the individuals that acted as responsible for the characteristic could do employees of an installations management company.

Outsourcing of the Greenfield: The business changes its processes of the business without no to employ of personnel by the supplier of service. For example, the business could employ to a company of launch to provide a new service, just as to compute far away without threads, that was not handled previously internally.

The outsourcing is a new concept to distribute the works of the business. It is a matter of outsourcing services or functions that do not correspond to the essence of the business. The reasons to hire an outsourcing vary according to the type of business, as well as the types of outsourcing existing. INFOWEEK visited to some of the suppliers of outsourcing data processing in Chile, to arrive at a description of the current state of this activity in the country.


In the market there are services institutionalized since before that the outsourcing as the integration of systems, the maintenance of teams and networks, and the consultancy. At present, "the market of outsourcing is growing among these and is taking a quite interesting leadership", asserts Field.

There is different forms to interpret what happens with the outsourcing in some countries, the points of view vary according to how are seen the things, there is who they say that the market of the outsourcing is mature and other that see it as the youth still. But in which all they coincide is in the reasons that guide the clients to decide to outsource services. According to Adrián Barraza, manager of area outsourcing of Tandem Chile, "while more agile wants to be a business, tends to deliver the activities that are not of its specialty to third parties in which trusts". And this is only the principle, among the reasons of more weight they are the to seek an economy of scale that permit greater competitiveness, with smaller costs and better advantages, better levels of service and better control on these levels, to stop distracting resources in activities that be not own of the business, to trust in specialists that assure a greater efficacy and to be freed of expenses and investments that imply the necessary technological renewal Of the systems. In this manner, is of it more understandable than "what the client should be questioned is reason wants to do an outsourcing: can be to descend costs, or for exploit a new business, or for maintain to the day its technologies. One must arrive to a level of reflection of what is what is wanted and what can be delivered to change", affirms Sendino.

On the other hand, once decided to take an outsourcing, other important aspects should be considered to elect the supplier indicated, like the degree of specialization of this in the area and their financial backing for comply with the requests. Besides, "the majority of the times are punctual opportunities and are evaluated case to case, for which the offering varies according to the requests of the client", says Hinojosa. "To do outsourcing requires high investments, therefore the business is for volume, since the profit margin is low and the risk is high, the investment recovers long-term. There are areas where not yet is done outsourcing because the volume of the market does not give to find the break-even point that does that the business be profitable", adds.

Without doubt to elect a supplier of outsourcing should not be easy, but an important aspect to consider is that "the quality many times goes associate to benefits that can be obtained for the quality of a service, one must compare price, cost and benefits", he says from Navarre.

The contracts of outsourcing are signed for 5 years normally in our country, while in the countries developed the normal thing he is to do them for some 10 years. This implies a permanent relation between the client and the supplier. Depending on the businesses and of what is sought to achieve with the outsourcing. It is possible to transfer or not the property on those assets, as well as they can be transfered or not the labor contracts of who develop that activity and thus, the variations can be several, as to work since the interior of the business or from outside of her.

According to Field, "it more important to carry out an outsourcing is the will of the parts". This is understandable, therefore the contracts are complexes and they demand high responsibility on the part of the supplier, in it fines by noncompliance are stipulated and the client should have clear knowledge and understanding of what will receive in the future and of how is stipulated that will respond the supplier before certain possible situations.

Some they conceive the outsourcing as an association to work together, not so that a business do a work to another, on the other hand other they see it more like a service specialized that is hired. Although different points of view seem, what is really important here is to understand that "we are in a world of interdependency where always depends on a third. It is better to depend on someone that knows its work, is serious, responsible and with a prestige, that to depend on any person", as well says from Navarre.

One of the most important things in the outsourcing data processing, and that surely is it more than in any another type of outsourcing is the confidence, because the value of the information nowadays is incalculable, not only by the power that is lost when the information no longer is, also by the risk that runs when this arrives at undue hands; "the conjunction of ethics and professional capacity It is what gives the confidence to the client in its supplier", says Barraza.

1 comment:

  1. It was amazing to read many good news in this survey. To improve the business it's proposed to use outsourcing software development company to appear on IT markets. Software development allows to automate business processes and earn more profit funds.
